You’ve got an amazing opportunity over the next six weeks to add a bit of mindfulness into your life. With the sessions lasting just 30 minutes, they’re a perfect bite sized introduction so, if you’re mindfulness curious or even mindfulness sceptic, I urge you to give it a go on either Tuesday evening or Friday morning. Mindfulness isn’t some woo-woo quest for enlightenment, it’s best thought of as a reset for mind and body, where, by using breathing and relaxation techniques, you’ll learn, even if it’s just for a short time, to just “be”.
As modern humans we tend to be constantly on the go and chances are your body and mind are in a constant state of low level stress. The problem with this is that our stress response evolved to be an acute state - for when we were bringing down a mammoth, being chased by a sabre toothed tiger or creating little cave-people - fight, flight or f**k. Modern life can put us in a constant low level stress response and, unless we invest some time in calming it down, it creates a cumulative unnecessary load on our system.
By learning mindfulness techniques and practicing them regularly you’ll reduce this baseline stress level and not only does this have mental health benefits but it’ll also give you increased energy and sharpness when you really do need to be switched on.