

Riding the LONDON-PARIS in Group 3? Ride Captain Top Tips

Welcome to the Group of Champions.

Well, first, what were you thinking? London to Paris by bike, you know there is a plane, train or automobile?! A challenge lies ahead as we have 3 solid days riding, targeting an average pace of 27/ 28kph and this short diatribe of information will hopefully shed some light on what to expect. Firstly, you are in the right group as you have selected the group with the best Ride Captains, now some would argue differently, but pay no heed as this is an elite group. “The Group of Champions!”

We WILL get it done, and, we will do so by working together, setting a steady pace, going fast and going steady, looking after each other and sharing the load. Let me explain, this is a social group and we not only ride more than 500kms together, we also make 50+ new friends so introduce yourself, chat heartily and support your fellow G3s as they will do the same for you.

In The LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France Group 3 we aim to manage our effort and set a tempo that keeps us all together, all of the time. Working as a team and not individuals, we will experience some elements that will test us, from cross winds to head winds, maybe a shower or two, but by working as a smooth peloton, sitting in the wind and taking a turn, holding a wheel or shielding and encouraging our teammates our journey will be a group effort.


Intervals work. Long intervals and short ones; do both! Make sure you get some long rides under your belt to give you confidence and endurance. Ride fast sometimes and push yourself as we will have sections of fast riding. Make sure you have some experience riding within a group, getting used to close quarters and holding a wheel.

You should also include some hilly rides as this is what you will experience. In addition, you should be able to do a solo ride (or with a couple of friends) managing a good pace over 100kms and still feel ok at the end of it. Once you’ve mastered that include a few solid back to back, rides on tired legs, with long intervals holding a very strong pace for 10 mins with short recovery of 2 mins and then going again twice more! These sessions will help you on day 3…

What to take on the road

In your pockets? Some food bars, gels, maybe small sun cream stick; you don’t need much as we have a water van with sweets/bananas and water, and we stop for lunch. In your musette bag which you can access at lunch stops, I always carry a rain cape and if the temperature is variable, knee-, arm-warmers and gilet. Don’t eat too much at lunch as it’s hard to digest lots of food and ride, so keep it light and snack. Top tip from G-Man is to have a dry base layer in your musette for a quick change at lunch if required.

The event

You need to arrive at the start with your bike in great order, serviced and clean with fresh tyres. You will not need lights, saddle bags or anything extra as we will have service vehicles supporting us on route and you will have access to a musette (bag) at lunch that you can put anything you think you may need in. We will also be escorted by motorcycles to keep us safe and warn us of traffic and turns but don’t get complacent, we will at all times obey the road rules and safety of each of us is our greatest priority.

Day One

Nerves, rolling hills, great byways and countryside. We will brief you every morning on what lays ahead. Always expect nerves on day 1 (this will be my 15th event and I still get excited and nervous) and expect to not be in the flow of the peloton for the first few hours as we start to settle into a rhythm, that’s just how it is. Today is the day we all get to know each other, but before you know it, we’ll be pulling in to the finish at Stop 24, ready for a cold beer on the ferry crossing to Calais.

Day Two

By now you will be settled into the peloton and this is where we begin to really work as a team, sheltering riders if you’re feeling strong, keeping the pace and stretching your legs on the downhills and fast flat sections. We cannot afford to push into the red zone, going too hard on the hills, sitting to long in the wind or drifting off the back of the bunch and having to work hard to regroup. Our success is dependent on working as a team and looking out for each other. Our job as Ride Captains is to find a pace and rhythm that everyone can manage and then have some push to a good speed and fun have some fun where we are able. This group is not a race group but make no mistake that when the wind is on our back and the peloton is working well, we can crank out a very solid tempo, that’s our aim and challenge!

Day Three

I love this day; the roads are good, and the hills are easier than day 2, but be careful not to underestimate the long ride to lunch! We will be working well together by now and Gareth will be able to tell you the name of everyone in the whole peloton. The roads are quiet and wider, the landscape rolling, fatigue and excitement are building in equal measure so packing an extra snack in the pocket would be wise. Several long dragging climbs will be experienced that on fresh legs look easy but now appear to invoke a heavy sigh. So, chin up, suck it up and time to dig in, this is what you trained for after all. After lunch it’s an easy ride to Paris so don’t worry just enjoy the afternoon roll as all the groups form one massive peloton.

Top Tips

  • Pack some chain lube and a small cloth to clean your bike and oil your chain, carry it in a small zip lock bag.
  • Pack your kit for each day in a large zip lock with bars and gels rationed and ready to go, so you are organised each day.
  • Look at the weather forecast and be prepared as we have had cold wet conditions in the past so arm/leg/knee warmers and a rain cape at the ready. Sun cream stick. Flip flops and a t-shirt for post ride bus ride to the hotel. Beer money to buy the Ride Captains a beverage post ride… 😉

See you at the start for the briefing, if you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to contact Ride Captain Gareth via the Hotchillee App



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Girona Rendezvous 2024

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Girona Rendevous 2024


If you’re a content creator, photographer or videographer and would like to enter on a media place please let us have the following information and we’ll be in touch.

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Register for priority entry and be contacted 24 hours before general registration opens.

Cape Rouleur Pre-Register

Cape Rouleur Pre-Register

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Stone Circle 2023

Let us have your info before and we’ll contact you as soon as entries for 2023 open.

Stone Circle Pre-Register

Stone Circle Pre-Register

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LONDON-PARIS 2023 entry will open on 2 August 2022. Fill out the form below to be notified when entries are available.

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Register now for your 2023 Entry

Register for 7-day priority access to enter The LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France 2023.

You’ll also be entered into a prize draw for 2 x tickets to the Tour de France 2023 route launchon 27th October 2022 at Palais des Congrès, Paris.

Your priority access will start on Tuesday 26 July 2022. We’ll be in touch then, keep an eye on your emails, or the Hotchillee companion app.

Friday 23 June: Festival Fort / Sign On

Please let us know what time you plan on arriving on Friday for Sign On. This is when you collect your rider number. The Festival Fort will be open all afternoon with a live DJ, a 35km social gravel ride from the Lauf stand at 14:14, Rider Welcome at 17:00 and free pizza and beer from 18:00:
For those not able to Sign On on Friday the registration desk will be open for 30 mins from 05:00 - 05:30 on Saturday morning. Signing On on Saturday will delay your start and should be avoided.

Saturday 24 June: Arrival

For those who have not booked camping, access to the site will not be available before 04:00. This is when the gate to the car park will open. The start line is open from 05:00-06:00. If you’re driving please arrive set up and ready so there’s minimal faff. For us to manage traffic flow please let us know how you will be arriving:
Girona Rendevous

Girona Rendevous

Notify me when entries for 2023 become available

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LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France 2022 - Hotchillee
LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France 2022 - Hotchillee
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20220724TDF1058-A.S.O. Charly Lopez
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LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France 2022 - Hotchillee
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cancellation waiting list

The LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France 2022 road route has sold out. Join the waiting list to be contacted when cancelled places become available.

The LONDON-PARIS by Tour de France 2022 - road route waiting list
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THE LONDON_PARIS by Tour de France hospitality
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THE LONDON_PARIS by Tour de France hospitality
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Glen is usually behind the scenes making sure that the Hotchillee Ride Captains and event participants have fully functioning bicycles to ride but he occasionally makes an appearance in front of the camera to share his wisdom. If he’s not fixing or building bikes he’ll be out riding in #SweetSussex. If you want to know anything about Cyclocross, Glen is the man to ask.


Instagram: @aeightracer


Consultant with British Cycling and author of the Road Cycling Performance Manual. Lover of cobbles, gravel and Siberian Pine - not so keen on climbs! Nik is the author of all of the Hotchillee Training Plans, Zwift workout files and regularly posts tips and advice on the Hotchillee app. He’s also the evil genius behind the now infamous Hotchillee Gain Train.

Twitter: @nikalascook

Instagram: @nikalascook


Adele has worked within the health and fitness industry for over 25 years starting with a ballet and dance background herself, she has progressed to training and teaching all styles of fitness and offers Pilates, barre & yoga. As a keen runner, Adele appreciates the need for a strong healthy body and mind and incorporates many elements of Pilates, yoga and barre into her own training to ensure her strength and stamina remain.


Instagram: @purebodybyadele

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