We’ll keep building up this week and you can stick to “full conversation pace” if you want. However, if you’re feeling good, you can lift the intensity a bit for some of the time on a couple of the rides.
Ride 1: 60 minutes
Try including a few 5-minute blocks in this ride where you lift the intensity a bit. Use the “talk-test” again and aim for being able to talk but only in short sentences. You might want to use a hill for this.
Ride 2: 60 minutes
Same as the first ride this week so, if you want, up the intensity a bit but don’t worry if you don’t feel like it.
Ride 3: 90 minutes
As well as thinking about your drinking and eating on the bike - sip from your bottle every 10 minutes and a snack every 30 minutes; you’ll need to think a bit more about your pre-ride fuelling now. Try to eat 2 hours before riding to allow digestion - a good sized bowl of porridge with some fruit and maybe a bit of yoghurt is ideal.