Weeks 1-4 Workouts
Hotchillee Premium member or multi-day event riders can download the .zwo workout file and use/ride as a Custom Workout at any time.
Don’t forget, for your second midweek session, the ideal is to join the Hotchillee Gain Train at 1830 on Thursdays on Zwift but, if you can’t make this, you can repeat the workout or do a “sustainably hard” 45-60 minute ride or race.
Week 1
Grind 1: 56 TSS
Big Gear/Low Cadence work is effectively strength training on the bike, lays the foundations for a strong and stable pedal stroke and should be part of any winter training plan.
The key to getting the intended gains from these sessions is to stick to the cadence targets. Don’t “cheat” the efforts by spinning faster - grind them out!
For this dose, you’ll be performing X5 Big Gear/Low Cadence efforts between 3-5 minutes in duration, working both seated and standing and with 5-minute recoveries.