Double Draft is enabled, so you should be able to sit in the wheels at significantly less. Our Ride Leaders also won’t hesitate to deploy their fence to deter flyers or riders not sticking to the advertised pace.
We AIM for there to be a catch/merge in the final 5-10km or so but this does depend on the course.
When a merge does happen, stronger riders are encouraged to “upgrade” to the faster group and, if you’re struggling, you can also “downgrade” to a slower one. The Ride Leaders will stick to their original group’s pace.
If you get dropped, maybe find someone to spin home with and try to hang on a bit longer next week - just like a IRL chain-gang, that’s how you get stronger.
With about 3km to go or at the bottom of the final climb if it’s an After Party route, your Leader will give a Go! Go! Go! shout and then, if you want, you can empty the tank.
Any tips for getting the most out of it?
Warm-up beforehand, spending 10 minutes or so riding with one of the Pace Partners does and decent job.
Be pedalling and up to power before the timer gets to zero - there’s no need for a “watt bomb” start but you don’t want to be left either.
Ride close to the Ride Leader (yellow beacon).
Don’t push the pace on the front above what the Ride Leader has asked for, this especially applies on any rises - it just ruins it for everyone.
Look out for instructions for your group’s Leader which will be in yellow - ignore those from the other Leaders.
Don’t be a “W/KG” pedant/moaner. The Ride Leaders will set an accurate pace but they’re not robots, the pace can be affected by other riders not playing the game but we’re all doing our best.
If you get dropped within the first 30 minutes, you can log-out, Late Join and get a virtual “sticky bottle” back into the main blob.
Sign up as a Premium Member on the Hotchillee App to get access to our Discord Channel for chat and motivation during the session.
How do I sign-up?
Simple, look on the Zwift Companion App for Tuesday at 1830 or just go to this link.
What next?
Winter Warmer Training plan
Why ride / train indoors
Your indoor training set up
What is FTP and why it’s important to do a test
Weeks 1 – 4 sessions