With a heatwave forecast in the UK, here are a few of our top tips for cycling safely in the heat when the temperature soars:
Stay hydrated
On the bike, you don’t need to overthink this, simply take a decent slug from your bidon every 5-10 minutes right from the start of any ride and aim to consume 500-750ml per hour.
What’s in my bottles varies but it’ll never be plain water. Sometimes, especially on rides on under 90 minutes where I don’t need additional fuel, it’ll just be an electrolyte tab. On longer rides, where I reckon getting some carbs from your bottles is a no-brainer, it’ll either be a commercial carbohydrate drink, my DIY Pineapple energy drink or, as a final hour “get me home if I’m struggling bottle” a 50/50 mix of water and Coke.
Maintaining optimal hydration begins off the bike with your day to day routine. Plain water is generally fine as your food will provide salts but most other drinks, including tea and coffee, will all contribute. The best way to see if you’re getting enough is to check your pee - copious and clear should be your goal.
Pre-ride, assuming that you’ve kept yourself well hydrated in the days before, there’s nothing special you need to do. I’ll tend to have my obligatory espresso or two with my breakfast, a glass of juice and probably 500ml of water with my breakfast. With 90-120 minutes before rolling out, this gives plenty of time for any excess to pass through and to have a pre-ride pee.
Post-ride, especially if it’s been a hard and hot one, it’s not unusual to be a bit dehydrated so getting plenty of fluids in is a key part of recovery. One of my go-to’s is 500ml of milk and a banana - carbs, protein and essential electrolytes; simple but effective.